Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lost in translation?

I understand some of you are struggling with reality; After being removed from it for a while it can be quite confronting to see the bare banal reality of the city in it's current state it in no way resembles the artists impressions shown by large NEW projects.

The only way to beat reality is by transforming it (by drawing or modelling) and then testing the effects (by careful thinking) both as an optimist and a pessimist. And drawing again and again. Take it step by step so you can still see the narrative.
Change perspective every now and then (from plan, section to overview) when you are going in circles.

How you will brand and market a program (Silvie) can be part of a strategy but never the goal. Speculation on what form it might take and which spatial/organisational form enhances the development you are looking for.

Good luck

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